Van 30 september tot 3 oktober 2012, strijden 6 kandidaten voor
de titel van Belgische Chocolate Master. Deze wedstrijd vindt
plaats tijdens de beurs Broodway in Kortrijk. De winnaar
vertegenwoordigt dan zijn land tijdens de internationale finale
eind 2013.
Wij feliciteren alvast de kandidaten voor hun selectie aan deze
wedstrijd, integraal gewijd aan de chocoladekunst:
Du 30 Septembre au 3 Octobre, 6 candidats vont s'affronter lors du
salon Broodway, en Belgique, pour devenir le "Chocolate Master"
belge qui représentera son pays lors de la finale internationale
fin 2013.
Félicitons déjà ces candidats pour leur sélection à cette grande
compétition, dédiée uniquement à l'art du chocolat :
Raphael Kuppens
Adrien Janssens
Roel Dom
Roger Ducobu
Jacky Bodart
Dimitri Salmon

Raphael Kuppens
2005- ... Verantwoordelijke patisserie / Responsable pâtisserie
Locatie / Location: Ohain-Lasne
Raphael already participated to the preselection of the WCM a
few years ago. At 39 years old he worked in several bakery and
pastry shops. Raphael is now responsible for the pastry by Michel
in Ohain Lasne. He likes to combine and discover different tastes
and he’s specialized in decorating his creations. His goal in
participating to the WCM is to constantly improve. But of course
going to the final is the most important target!

Adrien Janssens
2011 - ... Patissier / Pâtissier
Pâtisserie Wilmot
Locatie / Location: Mettet
Adrien Janssens has already gained a lot of experience
throughout his young life. He worked at Au pain d’antant, Pierre
Marcolini and Maison Demoulin. He is currently working at
Patisserie Wilmot in Mettet. Totally passionate about
craftsmanship, his philosophy is “hard working is the basic
principle of a successful career”.

Roel Dom
2006-... Zaakvoerder/Eigenaar / Chef d'entreprise
Chocolaterie Dom
Locatie / Location: Pulle
Roel Dom is a 40 years old chocolatier. He learned the basics of bakery and confectionery not only in the Antwerp school PIVA, but from his early age his parents showed him the tricks and basic principles of the craftsman. Roel Dom took over the shop from his parents. Next to his busy life he likes to relax with cycling.

Roger Ducobu
2012- ... Zaakvoerder/Eigenaar / Chef d'entreprise
Chocolaterie Roger Ducobu
Locatie / Location: Braine-le-Comte
Roger Ducobu remains a long time chocolate passionate. He learnt
pastry, chocolate and restaurant in Elishout school. His job gives
Roger great satisfaction because of the creativity he can add. He
can play with tastes, textures and shapes. In his own shop named
“Roger Ducobu” his range of bio chocolates is an important part. He
used to be a Callebaut Ambassador previously.

Jacky Bodart
2008-...Patissier / Pâtissier
Locatie / Location: Verviers
Jacky Bodart is a young and very dynamic person. He works in the renowned pastry shop of Darcis in Verviers. When he was little he knew he wanted to work in the bakery and pastry business. From very early age he was fascinated by this job. Moreover he likes the job because he can express his creativity. He is specialized in showpieces and pastry. His dream is to become a well-known pastry chef and to be recognized by the best known chefs in this world.

Dimitri Salmon
1994-...Zaakvoerder/Eigenaar / Chef d'entreprise
Pâtisserie La Dacquoise
Locatie / Location: Gozée
Dimitri participated in the WCM in 2009. He ended on a
meritoriously 2nd place! His favorite pastry is the classic pastry
éclair and the Forêt Noire Gateau. Recently he opened his new shop
in Gozée. Dimitri is known for providing top quality. He dislikes
industrial products and always chooses artisanal craftsmanship. His
ultimate dream is to win this preselection and to prove himself in
the international competition.