The impossible task for each contestant
All final contestants have already proven their worth during the national selections. But they’ll have to prove themselves all over again during the nerve-wracking 3-day final of the fifth edition of the World Chocolate Masters.
This year’s theme, ‘the Architecture of Taste’, is more challenging and complex than ever and incredibly hard to crystallise in chocolate. The contestants will need to create a brand new architecture of taste, texture and experience, using nothing but chocolate and chocolate derivatives. A challenging feat? You bet it is!
Going for broke
How the finalists interpret the theme is completely up to their wild imagination. But that’s not a given, considering the hyper critical jury that counts many of the world’s most renowned chefs and food specialists breathing down their necks. And if that wasn’t stressful enough, each contestant has to take on 18 competitors, all equally expert and all equally fascinated with chocolate. So they’ll have to put everything on the line to stand out. Who will demonstrate the most creativity, the most ingenuity, the most mastery and above all the most audacity?
A massive list of assignments – while the clock is ticking the seconds away
It’s impressive what each contestant has to prepare:
• A massive showpiece in only 3 hours time! The piece must measure between 1 and 2 metres high and must be fully made in chocolate: from base to the last single detail!
• A chocolate pastry that should stand out with its taste and refined presentation.
• A dipped praline – of which no alike can be found
• A moulded praline made with a personally designed mould
• A plated chocolate dessert, ready to feature a top restaurant’s menu
• A piece of architecture in chocolate assembled and mounted on a half globe that represents the world. It should reflect the contestant’s architectural vision of the world.
… And small detail: all of this must be created, signed, sealed and delivered at the jury’s desk within 8 hours!
Each chocolate creation has to meet a strict set of rules. And the jury won’t take kindly to any deviations from its rulebook.
The scores
To earn the title of World Chocolate Master 2013, the winning contestant has to display overall excellence. The jury will assess each contestant for:
•Chocolate showpiece (20%)
•Dipped praline (14%)
•Chocolate layered cake (14%)
•Gastronomic chocolate dessert (14%)
•Moulded praline (14%)
•Creation of ‘the Architect of the World’ (14%)
•Kitchen skills (10%)
Given all those rules and taking the time factor into account, it will surely prove to be a stressful but very rewarding experience for all contestants. So make sure to show them lots of support!
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