Recipes: Grouiller - Kouichi Izumi

Caramel de Yuzu en poudre
sugar 250g
vanilla beans half piece
peel of Yuzu orange 2 whole
unsalted butter 75g
1. Make caramel by sugar and add unsalted butter, peel of Yuzu
and vanilla beans. And then distend it and cool down.
2. Crush 1. by food processor.
Gianduja au Yuzu
‘Caramel de Yuzu en poudre‘ 85g
Cacao Barry gianduja plasir Lenôtre 375g
1. Temper Cacao Barry gianduja plasir Lenôtre and add ‘powder of
Yuzu orange caramel’ to the tempered gianduja.
2. Make 1. 3 mm thickness and cool down.
Ganache latee au miel flewis printanier
Cacao Barry papouasie 290g
Barry Elysee Lenôtre 290g
mineral water 30g
cream 195g
unsalted butter 100g
1. Boil hoeny to 120 ℃ and add mineral water.
2. Add cream to 1. and boil it. After that, emulsify Cacao Barry
papouasie, Cacao Barry Elysee Lenôtre and the boiled cream.
3. Add unsalted butter to 2.
Appareil chocolat excellence
Mycryo 200g
Barry excellence 100g
1. Mix both ingredients and melt them.
1. Paint/Spray color and Appareil chocolat excellence on cooking
2. Pour Ganache latee au miel flewis printanier to 1. and put
Gianduja au Yuzu on it.
3. Cut 2.5cm square and enrobe it by Cacao Barry excellence.