Recipes: The Passion of Cortez - John Costello

The Passion of Cortez
Passion fruit pate d’fruit
Passion Puree 250g
Sugar (A) 25g
Pectin 5g
Glucose Syrup 100g
Sugar (B) 235g
Citric Acid 4g
Water 4g
Mix pectin & sugar A together, add glucose syrup and passion
fruit puree then boil
As it starts to boil, slowly add the remaining sugar B
Boil until 107°c
Mix citric acid and water together then add to pan
Pour into frame and allow to cool
Anise Ganache
Alto El Sol Chocolate 400g
Cream - 35% fat 100g
Milk 80g
Passion Fruit Juice 180g
Salted Butter 65g
Star Anise 16g
Invert Sugar Syrup 20g
Infuse cream with Star Anise for 30 minutes, strain,
Place all remaining ingredients into the infused cream then into
the Mycook/Thermomix and heat to 40°c on medium speed
Pour onto cooled jelly
Allow 24 hours to fully crystallise
Crunch base
Passion Fruits 10 pieces
Alto El Sol Chocolate 200g
Juice passion fruits (use juice in ganache recipe)
Place seeds into a dehydrator for 8 hours
Grind into small pieces
Add to precrystalised Altol El Sol chocolate and spread very thinly
onto the set jelly layer
Cut into required size using a guitar cutter
Other ingredients required for Assembly
Alto El Sol chocolate for dipping
90 anise blossoms (three petal only)
Cocoa butter for attaching the flower
90 plastic sheets (30mm x 30mm)
Using precrystalised Altol El Sol chocolate dip bonbon and
place plastic sheet on top
Allow to set
Remove plastic
Dip the stem of flower into cocoa butter and place onto dipped