They built houses in pastries, they constructed world in the layers... this is top level pastry from the 21st century.
28 Oct. 20:05
Impressions from this afternoon -
28 Oct. 22:36
DAY1- Block 3 of Livestream: kickstart of the 2nd group of 9 finalists: the entire livestream -
28 Oct. 22:52
DAY1- Block 4 of Livestream - The 2nd group of 9 finalists deliver their showpieces: the full live stream -
29 Oct. 11:19
Crashing showpieces... what they feel: the finalists talk -
30 Oct. 11:35
What's cooking for Group 2 of 9 contestants -
30 Oct. 11:38
Oh la la: today's 9 finalists' dipped pralines - the highlights -
30 Oct. 13:28
Highlights from this morning: prepping the pastries by the 9 finalists of Group 2 -
30 Oct. 14:39
Bring it on: the incredible pastries from Group 2 of 9 finalists -
30 Oct. 16:54
DAY3- Block1 of Livestream: 2nd gourp of 9 contestants start up dipped pralines and chocolate pastry -
30 Oct. 16:57
DAY3- Block2 of Livestream: 2nd group of 9 contestants prepare and present the pastries -
30 Oct. 16:59
DAY3- Block3 of Livestream: 2nd group of 9 finalists finishing delicious chocolate desserts -
30 Oct. 17:02
DAY3- Block4 of Livestream: amazing moulded pralines and chocolate globes from 2nd group of 9 first finalists -
30 Oct. 17:10
Get ready for some top chocolate desserts presented by 9 top talents from the competition -
30 Oct. 17:19
The beautiful parade of moulded pralines and incredible globes from group 2 -
30 Oct. 18:54
Relive the nerve-wracking suspense during the Award Ceremony -
30 Oct. 19:25
Watch the entire list of incredible highlights from 3 days of high level competition -
01 Nov. 10:20
Relive the nerve-wracking suspense during the Award Ceremony -
01 Nov. 10:22
Watch the entire list of incredible highlights from 3 days of high level competition